Aug 14, 2018

My Inner Engineering experience from Isha

I'm not the body. I'm not the mind. My Responsibility is unlimited. Every moment is a new moment and it is inevitable being fully aware. These words sound simple, but they can create a tremondous impact in one's life. Yeah, i'm talking about the Isha Kriya part of inner engineering program. Initially, program gave us the kriyas which were simple yet powerful. Once we have initiated into Sambhavi Maha Mudhra(Meditation practice designed by Sadhguru from ancient yogic science) on sunday , i was into tears and too happy. Felt I'm fortunate to experience this magic. I have read about this mudra from books published by Isha and the experience from volunteers. But, i have literally experienced in the same way. Nevertheless, through out the seven day programme with sadguru's insights on all the aspects in life gave me abundant treasure for my life time. He says, If you are happy or sad or angry its all that you are creating it. You are the maker of your own life. Fear is something that doesnt exist. Pain is inevitable but suffering is that you have created. Human life is phenomenal, you are a small being of the cosmos in its entirety. Be inward to experience all the life dimensions before falling dead. Thanks to Isha foundation for giving me this wonderful experience which i have never thought before. I was touched by Isha volunteers with their support through out. Before taking up this program, i thought how can such programmes get organised only with volunteers? Post programme with my experience, i registered myself as a volunteer. This is the impact. It was also said that 48 days of 21mins daily practice of shambavi maha mudra can give enormous health benefits mentally and physically. Little things can create wonders! I can share more about my experience, but i want you to feel the same magic which i had, you deserve it! If you are new to Yoga and want to experience it, you can register in the below link where the time and venue is mentioned for all the programmes. Meditate and celebrate life!

Feb 18, 2018

Donate to Isha foundation

If you really looking for legitimate charitable organizations, with out any second thought you can go for Isha foundation found by Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev. All this work involves an enormous amount of money and people with big hearts coming forth and working. If you have big hands, we need you, If you have a big heart, we need you. If you have a big head, we need you, If you have a big pocket, we need you. All these are needed." Whether it is through cash contributions or donations in kind, time, or expertise, Isha Foundation offers a variety of opportunities for you to extend your support. Donations can be made directly to specific Isha projects of your choice or to the general fund of the Foundation that supports a host of activities. Your contributions helps it to reach out to more and more people offering opportunities and encouraging sustainable living, thus fulfilling Sadhguru's vision of creating a joyful, loving and peaceful world for all. "Let us make it happen Please follow the below link for the gateway.