Jul 28, 2009

its truly achy for heart!!!!!!!!!!!!

well frens, these lines are according to me what i personally feel.....

the truth of life is that,
when an outsider says" N" number of crap things about u ,your heart will easily ignore......only because they are excluded from members of ur group....

but if your most loved ones says even a minute thing ,your heart get easily hurts for the reason that the MOST LOVING person did not understand you!!!!!!

wow red roses!!!!!!!!i jus love them

ER,what says love better than a bouquet of long stem red roses? A bouquet of red roses is the perfect gift for that special someone close to the heart.flowers will make any girls heart goes pitter-patter upon the sight of her loved one approaching and presenting red roses.... its really a great gift to get on!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 9, 2009

virtuous relationship

Relationships plays a vital role to lead ones life in an elated way.

relationship is an abstraction developed by yourself with people in neck of your woods.When speaking of relationships, we mean any person with whom you have frequent or continuing interactions. Throughout your life, your energy is connected with others through shared interactions.

an upright relationship exists between people whose nature of thinking is rational and who have the ability to receive same thing in same sense.

no quarrels , no wrangles,no egotism,no tensities,no cerebral tensions exists between two parties who maintain relaxed relationship.

more often than not,we come across many relationships which goes defunct for numerous reasons

firstly,differences in orientations(set of acts and beliefs) in either of the parties

secondly,variances in mutual understanding and hazy wavelength in matching of their ideas and attributes.

thirdly,having an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others.

according to my view, a warm relationship irrespective of its nature(official or personal), exists only when either of the parties have the ability to compromise and nature of admitting mistakes....

Jul 5, 2009

are problems really a problem

as described in my article of relativity ,the answer for this question is also relative......

different people have different cerebrations,few people are fragile even when they are facing a facile or easy trouble and few are impregnable(robust) even when they are confronting an hurdle which can decide their further existence in this world.....

one of my friends thinks that he is endowed with lots of problems......with respect to him confronting his problems is a vast problem.but his problems with respect to the other friend are as slender as departing a kitchen range ..............

when others can consider our problem not as a problem,why cant we do that ?????

when a problem is given to us by the almighty ,emphatically there will be a way to solve it .
why cant we start searching for the solution for our problem ?
why cant we consider our problems to be the trails imposed to prove ourselves to the word what we are capable of?

try to answer these questions. every answer for these questions will be the answers for your hurdles, problems, emotionaltraumas, and even yours life.......


everything in this world is relative

everything in this world is relative,sounds curious but its true!!!!!!!!
for instance,let us consider the things in our vicinity,

i have a voluminous book,how did i decide that its voluminous?? because i compared it with a slender book .

how can i say am running ?because i saw a person walking.

how can i say my friend's voice is musical and melodious ?since i compared her's voice with other person whose voice is hoarse.

how can u say any one of my four articles is better because u compared it with the other three.

a person is short,in what sense he is short?for the reason being an other person beside this person is tall..

if this person were on the moon where no life exist , must have he known that he is short ,unquestionably NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
because on moon there is no one to compare his height with?

so,this theory states that something in world is something because it is compared with something.
every matter or affair in one's life can be relative only if there exists something to be compared with?

my article gratifies the above " title"

dont think it is plagiarism to the theory of relativity,i heard the quintessence from one of my pals and placed before you .

so,at least for this day ,try to relate your activities with this theory,u will find it